My little ones not done a number 2 for a week. Has been on lactoluse for 3 days and still nothing, whats the longest your little ones have went without doing a number 2? I’m a big worrier and not sure if i should call back to the doc
Id definitely go see a doctor, must be sore for them especially if it's been a week. My lo didn't go for around 3 days and could see was struggling and having stomach pain so took them and was able to get something to help
@Emma i took her on Wednesday and was given lactoluse but it can take 2-3 days to work 😭
Ah bless them must be awful 😞
I was told they can’t go 48 hours without pooing or they have to be seen
Id definitely go see a doctor, must be sore for them especially if it's been a week. My lo didn't go for around 3 days and could see was struggling and having stomach pain so took them and was able to get something to help