I have a 4 month old - I think we need to establish a routine for both of us to be happy!
She is breastfeed (occasionally bottle but doesn’t take much always prefers breast) & have always fed on demand, she is now refusing to sleep during the day, she’s teething and has a fear of missing out and is very clingy and wakes up so much in the night, how do I create more of a routine, as it’s effecting my mental health I’m not able to sleep or get any housework done, currently researching into eat/wake/sleep cycle and sleep training etc, some advice please!
Have you tried a sling to get her to sleep in the day or contact napping? It sounds fairly normal 4 month old behaviour even if it's frustrating. Also look at when she's getting tired etc and try and build a routine around that as it'll suit her best and give you some predictability