I never had one but I think the icklebubba ones are an affordable range 🙂
I got the Joie versatrax travel system, I got it at the baby show but its very affordable in the shops anyway. Most travel systems are bulky no matter the brand unfortunately x
I got graco’s travel system it’s very light weight and looks great 😍 https://www.thenurserystore.com/p/arris-trio-travel-system-with-footmuff-carrycot-adapters-night-sky?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnW_G_UBsmSdu4qp5plCq0mqFhGM&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0Jynkr_wiQMVxZNQBh2fTAHQEAQYASABEgLjw_D_BwE