My girl has been the same, she had a horrible cold/cough for a week and a half. Her feeds dropped dramatically and practically slept all the time. GP and hospital team all said as long as she was still having plenty of wet nappies she wasn’t dehydrated and to just keep offering milk little and often. Her feeds went from 120ml every 3 hours to 30/40ml every 6-8 hours. She’s just today started to take more. Just keep offering and she’ll take what she needs. If concerned take to see GP just to be on safe side. I did and GP said my girl had bronchiolitis and was referred to the Children’s hospital at home team due to her reduced feeds who monitored every few hours over the phone. I have been so worried this past week but she has been fine. Just horrible to see them ill.
Awww thanks a lot ladies. Very reassuring ❤️❤️❤️ so sorry your LO’s went through that
My lg is exactly the same! She’s caught her sister cold with a bad cough. As long as she’s still having wet nappy’s and taking some feed just keep an eye on her x