@Sely what do you mean
She means going from 0 kids to 1 kid is harder than going from 1 to 2 kids and 2 to 3. I agree somewhat I have 2 babies 11 months and it’s hard especially bc they are at 2 different stages developmentally plus it’s exhausting but I wouldn’t trade it for the world
@Megan oh okay, thank you for explaining. So that's about it? Just the babies being on different levels pretty much
I am pregnant withy second and honestly I'm terrified that I won't be able to mentally do it. I want this baby, but I hope I can be a good mom to my son now and the next one. The pregnancy has been hard so I've already had to do less with him and try and keep up with taking care of him and play with him and clean the house. Hopefully it's better than my head is making it out to be.
I have 3 under 2 and all I have to say is that everything is easier than 0-1.