Looks great to me!
Looks perfect x
@Chyanne thank you—I’ve been terrified it’s not dark enough today!
@Rachel thank you! I’ve been so worried!
Looks fantastic. Try not to stress. If you keep testing you might notice a line is slightly lighter later, but that can boil down the test being from a different production batch, drinking too much or too little water, or taking them at different times of the day. Next step ultrasound to get an accurate due date 🥳🥳 congrats Oh also don't worry if your baby is measuring a little small! I ended up finding out I ovulated a week and a half later than expected which scared me so bad when my baby measured almost 2 weeks smaller than she should've been. But they did a follow-up 2 weeks later and she had 2 weeks of growth :) again, your lines look great. Deep breaths girl!!
Looks great!!
@Allison I’m trying, hehe! I have labs scheduled 12/3 and they will schedule an ultrasound based on my lab results—if they’re unremarkable, week of December 16! Thank you!
@Nicole thank you! Trying so hard not to be nervous!
Take clear blue digital test u will know for sure but looks positive congratulations
@Megan those looks great!! 🤍🤍
I’m a little worried it’s not getting dark enough!