Glucose test level

What is the normal range for the glucose 1 hour test?
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Is this the initial or after diagnosed with gestational diabetes? After being diagnosed, they say less than 7.8 one hour after a meal. Then the fasting one is 3.5-5.3 (think it’s slightly higher for the fasting one in the initial prick) X

@Alex I just took the initial one. Just drank the juice and then got blood drawn after 1 hour. Do you know if 224 normal?

Oooo are you UK or US as UK do it in different digits? I think it’s done in mmol in the UK. I tried to convert it and 224 is about 12 (don’t rely on me though I’m not a doctor lol) so if it is the correct conversion it would be a bit high and maybe gestational diabetes!! X

@Alex ohh ok. I am in the US. I was confused because it says normal value but I thought 224 was high. I am not sure. Thank you for your help though

@Leslie thank you so much for sharing ❤️

@Leslie so I definitely failed lol ok thank you

@Leslie I am going to change my eating habits. Any suggestions?

You're welcome! Good luck! I hope all goes well! They ended up bumping up my appointments because of it so i had to go in more frequently. Baby was perfectly healthy though! He's 6 weeks tomorrow!

Sorry i didn't see your second comment to me! I ate smaller portions, increased my water intake and that seemed to help. My numbers were pretty low through to the end of my pregnancy. I kept a detailed log of what I ate. I didn't so much change what I was eating, just ate a little less. Like I would actually measure out the serving size of rice 😩😫

@Leslie I’m so glad your baby was perfectly healthy. That is beautiful ❤️ and thanks for the portion advice. That has definitely been hard for me lol so I just need to be more strict

Yes I really didn't wanna be on insulin! So they let me do a week of monitoring on a portion controlled diet and since my numbers were okay, they said I didn't need insulin, just needed to watch carbs and portion size

224 is an automatic fail. Anything over 190 you’re automatically diagnosed with GD on your first 1 hour test. They won’t send you for a second 3 hour now. You’ll go get a kit for GD and it basically is to prick your finger a few times a day and change your diet. Sugars and carbs are what’ll trigger it the most.

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