YOU ARE DOING ENOUGH! I'm sure you're a fantastic mum and doing so much with your little one already. Every baby is different and develops at their own pace!
I felt a bit like this with my first baby, mainly around her eating as she was just not interested and I blamed myself. But I’ve had a second baby now and they are so different in every way (second baby LOVES food). It’s made me realise that all babies (even siblings) do things at their own pace, regardless of what we do!!
No with my first I couldn't wait for him to crawl/walk he was such a slow burner and didn't crawl until 14 months and walk until 16 months and honestly I'm so glad looking back 🤣 once they can crawl and walk there's no stopping them
Aww thank you so much guys. ❤️🥰
Not related to milestones but I constantly have the feeling that I’m not doing enough. We are