How did you last the first 8 weeks?

I’m 4 weeks 5 days today and I’m psyching myself out that every symptom I have means something is wrong. I have some low abdominal cramping and my mind just goes to the worst place. I had an ultrasound today and they couldn’t find the bb because….im only 4 weeks lol My next ultrasound to confirm pregnancy is in 3 and a half weeks and my first OB is the following week. What are some things you guys did to put your mind at ease and not assume the worst? Thanks in advance! 💗
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Everything is normal you should worry when you have no symptoms it just means your pregnancy hormones are high and baby is happy and healthy don’t stress yourself especially right now 4 more weeks and you will be able to actually see the baby. If the nausea and vomiting continues and it’s not Hg you can take unisom and b6 my pcp and ob said it was fine and it works wonders best of luck

I reikied myself a lot and tried to just rest and relax as much as possible. I kept telling myself that everything was fine and I did have one scare some bleeding at 6 weeks but when it happened I made my peace with the fact that if it was the worst there would be nothing I could do. Thankfully it was completely fine and I saw baby at first scan the next week. So many people have told me that stress is the worst thing for baby so I kept that in mind and tried to stay as calm and trusting as possible. It sounds like what you’re feeling now is completely normal! Sign up for some weekly emails I found them so helpful because every week is different and the emails help you understand what to expect. At this early stage the best thing you can do is rest, eat well, and stay hydrated! You got this❤️

@Noelle thank you!!! Needed to hear this.

I think I took a pregnancy test like every week for the first five months LMFAO

Haha I am in basically the exact same situation!! They couldn’t see anything on the ultrasound either but they said that is normal when it’s so early. I have also taken multiple pregnancy tests lol just to keep making sure 😆 I also have the cramping and have not had much nausea just a couple times But also my mom didn’t get nausea for her pregnancies so even not having nausea doesn’t mean anything is wrong I think just try and enjoy the present moment, knowing that you are pregnant now and that is awesome and assume everything will go great until you truly have a reason to believe otherwise. Probably everything will be fine and then you might look back on this time and think why did I spend all that time worrying. In a sense, the only moment we ever have is the present moment so don’t spend all your current moments worrying about potential future ones ❤️

@Holly haha glad I’m not alone 😂 my coworker had an ectopic pregnancy and we’ve discussed it, the only reason cramping is a concern of mine is because she said she had that too so my mind is just thinking ALLLLL the thoughts. Appreciate the response!!!

I went to my family clinic and got my blood drawn and then I went back 3 days later. Seeing my HCG rise appropriately makes me feel so much better! a bag of strip tests. They’re cost effective and you can make sure the lines are the same color/darker every couple days:)

@Katherine that’s a good idea I’m going to run to target and grab some strips, thanks! 😊 💗

@Madison no problem take care of your bean and yourself <3

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