@Mutago 🤭 i drink water constantly.. I pumped a little tonight for her and only got half an oz... I feel like that's too low of an amount even though my toddler drinks throughout the day (I swear I'm getting my baby off me it's just hard).. I just need all the help I can get so her baby can eat
There are locatation cookies and other foods that you can eat to help boost your supply. My understanding is to continue pumping even after your milk stops coming out because it tells your body you need to make more than you have been. This is amazing you're willing to help your friend and her baby in this way. Some people make it sound so weird and creepy to let someone else's baby drink your breastmilk and I will never understanding. It's a wonderful gift to give a mom who can't currently or at all feed her baby with breastmilk but wants to do it still.
I know it's disappointing, but your body is used to supplying your baby needs. You have to now start consistently pumping to build it back up. Keep pumping, eating , drinking , resting, and soon your supply will be enough for two 😉 You are doing great so far. Just keep at it ! 💪
try to pump each time after ur baby is fed
I pump while my Little is feeding on the other side.
I really appreciate all yalls help and advice!! Thank yall for helping ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Girl, I love it! Goals right there ! Uhhmm , I'd say start drinking more water/body armor, etc. After feeding Baba pump to trick your body into producing more mik *power pump twice a day for three days* and let's see how it goes. You could eat more lactating support snacks *from Walmart or target*