I'd definitely be concerned about leaving him alone with either of your children after seeing that.
@Julianna I told him not to cover her mouth and that is not going to help anything and I grabbed my baby
@Sarah definitely a big red flag
I wouldn’t leave him alone with your children. Personally I’d seriously be considering whether someone who can’t put their own child to bed safely is someone I’d want to be married to.
U should have called the fucken cops bro was out of his mind or on drugs or something …. Definitely not ok
@Marquishia yes I should have called the cops he doesn’t do drugs but he’s most definitely out of his mind he blames it on not getting any sleep for the past 5 days but that isn’t a excuse
@Noodle yes I’m currently looking to move away from this he’s disrespectful to me and I’m 8 months pregnant lately I’ve just been too emotional to argue im already exhausted enough
Smh some dudes are not built for the pressure of fatherhood parenting in general is not easy but much more respect would have been shown if he would have made sure everything was ok with her first and then closing the door and giving himself five minutes to collect his thoughts or get his mind together
Absolutely rethink marrying this man what are you gonna do if he does the same to your newborn for crying or worse
@Marquishia thank you because there isn’t any excuse to this bs
@Bear yes I have a plan for me and my kids
You shouldn’t have to ask a grown ass man to talk care of HIS child. He should automatically want to. Unfortunately I’m in a similar situation my bf won’t do shit unless I tell him too which is one reason why I’m leaving his ass. As for him trying to silence the baby, you need to leave him. Ima keep it 💯. That’s abuse. Babies cry, oh well deal with it. He’s clearly not used to being a parent but he needs to get over his childishness and deal with it or you need to leave him. I promise you he will not get better he already got angry at an innocent baby. If you ever wanna talk or need advice I’m here you can message me separately 🩷
He wouldn’t be allowed near me or my children after that! And I’d have him arrested she could have stopped breathing, what a psycho
Men are sometimes so aggressive and easily stimulated lol it’s so sad literally
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Wow wtf 😳 is there someone else who can stay with you to help and so you can try get some rest?
Omg honestly he sounds scary and dangerous - please consider the safety of yourself and your children. It might seem like a minor incident or a 'one off' that isn't in line with his character to you right now but you will not be overreacting if you take this seriously because it is really serious. I understand frustration and feeling like you're out of options but that sort of behaviour from him is unacceptable despite any reasoning he may give you.
Wtf that’s concerning
This is awful. I'm so sorry this has happened. I hope you and your little girl are okay but you definitely need to get out of there. If he's doing things like that then he'll definitely go further. Is there anyone else you can stay with but I definitely wouldn't be marrying this man.
What the actual fuck….? That’s not okay at all omg??? What did you say? What happened after you caught him? I’m very concerned for you and your baby!!