We have been to... Kidz kaboom- specifically for under 6s so they can be fairly independent once confident enough to and you can see all around it because of the size. Pirates play- big soft play, good brownies!! Under 2s small area, unders 4s and over 4s area. Fairly quiet during term time so can use all of the areas. Mouse trap - medium size, under 4s and over 4s area. (Cash only but good menu options for all ages.) There is also tumble town in Arnold but we've not been there recently.
@Lillie Thanks will def take a visit. x
@Ruth Thanks for the suggestions, I've added them to my file so I can tick them off. Tumble town we liked but want to try others.
Kidz kaboom is great fir tiny ones
@SJ Thanks, added to my to visit list
Squiggles play den in hucknall is good. Has a good under 4s area x