Don’t recognise my baby anymore.

My little girl turns 6 months tomorrow and I don’t know who the fuck she is anymore. The last week she has completely changed, she won’t stop screaming randomly for no reason, she won’t let my husband put her to sleep anymore she will only sleep if I breastfeed her. She’s up every 45 mins overnight and I just miss my easy and happy baby. I don’t think she’s unwell she doesn’t seem unwell but it’s getting too much for me to handle.
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Any chance she’s teething? Hang in there, it will definitely pass ❤️ xxx

Really feel for you! I had the same for 2-3 weeks and I thought I was going to loose my mind from sleep deprivation. Ended up moving him into his own room and I think a combination of that and implementing a bit more structure to our daytime really helped the nighttime. They do develop a lot at this 6 month stage and theystart to get separation anxiety but I promise you it will get better and hopefully not be too long until she gets back to her happy self again! It's so hard, but it will get better ❤️

I definitely threw in some teething powder just in case that helped him too!

I have a similar problem. She wakes up every couple of hours for the last 2 weeks. Shes 6 months. There is a sign of small tooth coming through so have started giving her ibuprofen before bed and it helps a bit. Bit I would like to like to know if any herbal remedies for this for breast feeding mothers. People mention the powders but I don’t know which they mean. If they could recommend. Anyone tried mummy’s bliss soothing gel or dr talbots soothing tablets and seen results for teething babies?

We went through a phase like this earlier this month as he hit 6 months. It does pass, and you'll have your girl back to her usual happy self again soon. It lasted about 2 weeks for us and we're now at a much easier stage, catching up on sleep and enjoying all the new things he can do. Lean on anyone you can for some help whilst you get through it.

Leap 5!!

Thank you ladies. Reassuring to know it’s not just us!

I could have written this myself, my baby is 2 days off of 7 months and the last 10 days or so shes been a different baby. Doesnt sleep more than 40 odd minutes a time through the night and is so grumpy in the day times! I cant wait for my happy baby to come back, and preferably as good of a sleeper as she was before it all started.

My baby was the same all last week and it’s finally calmed down now, he’s only 4 and a half months. Sending you love and strength because it’s so mentally draining! Perhaps she’s teething? Stay strong mamma 💗 you can get through this!

Going through this right now too, it's been about 2 weeks but the last week has been horrendous. At night wakes every 45 minutes to an hour screaming and won't settle until I pick her up. Naps....God they have to be contact or don't exist and she just whines all day 🥱

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