Don’t think I’ve eaten anything different… only thing I can think of that’s changed is I’ve stopped taking the progesterone only pill as it was impacting my MH.
my little one has been going through the exact same for the last 13 days now She seems to be forcing it more as well Been to the doctors twice And they said where me and her dad are run down she’s had a virus and this is the aftermath of it Because she’s well in jer self they’re not worried No antibiotics They also ruled out allergy of anything I’ve eaten because she’s absolutely fine with no other symptoms Just alot of poo 💩 xxx
It could be linked to teething, I find if I’ve had a lot of iron rich food, it turns my Lg’s poo green x
When my EBF baby had this, we were told it was a sign she was under fed so I topped her up with some pumped milk just to make sure she was definitely getting enough and it got better in a couple of days
Usually is BF babies it means baby isn’t getting enough of the fatty hind milk and is getting more foremilk. You can pump slightly before a feeding session to reduce some of the foremilk or ensure baby is fully draining the breasts at each feed x
Thanks girls!
I was told green poop could be a sign of not getting enough hind milk during feeding, especially if it’s frothy also. But not always! My baby had some green stuff here and there and it passed, about 2-3 weeks before her teeth started cutting through but obviously I’m not a doctor so don’t quote me 😂
How old is baby? It can be teething but it usually means they are having a lot of the fore milk, are feeds shorter ? My daughter has done this a few times when teething and having short feeds x
I was told it was hind milk to find out myself that she just needed that extra wind, I never see it any more unless she is poorly as she can't breathe properly so she takes in a lot of air when feeding
Green can be sign of her having more "fore" milk, not "hind" milk. Fore has less fat content and hind milk more fat. Make sure you are doing proper long feeds with both breasts and the latch is good. You don't say how old they are. But when they are 4ish months often more distracted.
Thanks - I don’t think it’s a fore milk thing as poos are the same when she’s had a bottle of expressed. She’s 4 months so could be teething xx
What have you eaten in the past 48-72 hours?