How many bottles per day? That sounds like an awful lot of milk for this age? Most people seem to be on 2 or 3 bottles and 3 meals, so milk is only every 5-7 hours?
He doesn’t like eating his food so is still hungry so we give a bottle
At this age I’d try dropping to 3 bottles (soon 2!) and having an extra ounce or 2 with each bottle instead of more smaller ones. It’s a natural decrease in milk now that they are eating and will soon swap formula for cows milk, Is he feeding in the night still every 3 hours? I would try comfort over milk now if you’re able and want to as they should be able to go overnight or at least half of the night without feeding now ☺️. Right now my lo does 8oz first thing, 7oz around 2ish and then 5-7oz at bedtime depending on how he’s eaten during the day. Hope this helps xx