Agreed - such a great outlook - what a lucky little girl and hopefully you and your husband will reap the benefits too!
The only bad snack you could call it I give my baby is wotsits because she won’t eat the baby crisps, but she eats healthy, she has fruit with every meal, I hand make her meals and dinners and try to add as much veg or fruit as I can, for breakfast she’ll have baby porridge and I’ll mash up strawberries/mango things like that in with it, for lunch I’ll do her like scrambled egg, or she’ll have plain pasta with fresh mince and spaghetti bolognaise sauce, for dinners she’ll have things with veg, I’ll do her mash with like peas and carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, i don’t give her chocolate, she doesn’t have sweets because the one thing I don’t want is her eating crappy food and not eating healthy, if she’s hungry I’ll offer her some more strawberries, or raspberries, she’ll be offered a piece of fruit or fruity yoghurt, because I hate seeing kids be handed bundles of chocolate and crisps because they grow up being taught good eating habits by what we give them ❤️
@Molly it sounds like she has a great diet and eats tons but perhaps just as a thought if she doesn’t like baby crisps just don’t give her any crisps at all?
I give her them as a one off snack because it’s the only snack she has, and she doesn’t have them everyday either, maybe a couple of times a week or if we’re out on the go and have been out all day and she’s only had bottles I’ll give her some as a quick on the go snack, that’s why I don’t mind those ones because it’s not like she has them everyday, but Thankyou for the advice anyway 😊 xx
My husband and I are both obese and have horrible eating habits. It's my worst fear that the same thing happens to my little girl. Since she's been weaning we have been giving her a nice balanced diet, no added sugar and salt etc and we've actually started to eat better ourselves because we're just eating what we cook for her and we've both started to lose a bit of weight for it.