
My little boy is nearly 6 months old but I have no idea where to start with weaning! 🙈 Can I cook a normal meal and blend it up for him? Or do I have to use the baby foods? HELP
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Ella kitchen purple book was my bible for weaning. Start slow with single veg and work your way up to combos of different veg and then add in fruits also. I started blending my own dinners making sure there is no salt around a month and a half into it x

Where would I find Ella’s kitchen purple book? Do I have to buy it or can I just search it online? Thankyou so much, this really helps! Wasn’t sure wether I could just go straight in with blended meals or not 🙈xx

I started with simple purees with my son, sweet potato, carrot, banana. Then once he had 2/3 he really liked I started mixing with different veggies and meat. I'd say 1 new veggie/fruit every 3 to 4 days, then protein maybe wait for a couple of weeks since it's heavier for them.

@Georgie I got a used book on Amazon for around 3 quid came in perfect condition x

With my first I started much as described above - single taste veggies to start like broccoli, courgette, carrot etc and then started to give bits of my dinner without any salt. I never blended any of the veg, just did finger foods, but also used pouches off baby food when I could be bothered to cook out we were having something salty. There’s no rush or pressure for them to be eating much quickly, just exploring foods to start. Also, just because they pull a hilariously disgusted face doesn’t mean they don’t like it - just that it’s new 🤣

I started with vegetables mix or purees and finger food. You can get a free weaning chart posted from Ellas kitchen and also books

Whatever you end up doing, make sure there's absolutely no salt in baby's food. Their kidneys are not fully mature yet to process salt, especially not in the amounts we use to salt our foods

@Georgie if you’re part of the boots parenting club you can get it for free! They should have it in store x

I would recommend the Annabel Karmel Weaning book - really straightforward and has easy recipes and a menu plan!

We got the ellas kitchen book and my baby hates every recipe we tried so far. I have now given up and started making up my own recipes

Thankyou all so much for your kind advice 🥰 I’ll try different ways, see which one he likes the most x

@Sophie omg your baby is adorable!! 😍 Thankyou so much for your advice xx

@Jo yeah I’ll never introduce salt because I use a lot of it in my cooking and it’s probably too much for me 🙈😂 Do I still give milk in between meals and how much do I give? I give 7oz, 4 times a day at the moment. I’m confused with that aswell. Haha yeah!! We’ve gotten that with the banana porridge weve given him, pulled a funny face but couldn’t get it down him quick enough!

For now, milk is still the main source of nutrition for our bubs. So give milk feeds as normal, and offer food after milk. Whilst they are not having a full and varied meal we need to make sure they aren’t missing out on nutritionally balanced milk for other foods. Like just broccoli, or porridge or whatever doesn’t have enough protein or other important nutrients in it. The first few months are just for fun and exploration xx

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