I really don't think feeding to sleep is the problem (or a problem at all). Lots of babies still wake at night at 1 and need parental support to sleep. This instagram post might be helpful (and I find the account in general super helpful and non-judgemental): https://www.instagram.com/p/DBuGRCeRTjV/?img_index=3&igsh=MWx4dzExeW91Z2toZQ== And this is her video on night weaning: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBExEzUoskv/?igsh=OXV1MTNnMW9odnhu Of course this is just one person's perspective, but it's one that resonates with me :)
@Simona I thought this would be the case! I’m almost worried to stop incase I make things even harder for myself and have no way to get him back to sleep easily! Thank you for this xx
@Eline thank you so much! I actually love feeding to sleep so glad it’s hopefully not that that’s the issue. Xxx
My daughter stopped feeding at night at 18mo (she had issues with her teeth and we had to go cold turkey at night 100% would not recommend) but she kept waking up at night and sleeping horribly (for few months even worse than before because the weaning was a shock for her). Now she’s almost 4yo and she still doesn’t sleep through the night so I’d say that night weaning doesn’t necessarily means they will sleep better.