Baby Cry

Two months in, and my baby's cry still makes me nervous. Every time she starts crying, I get super nervous and scared that something's wrong and that I won't be able to calm her down. I just want it to stop quickly. Sometimes I get annoyed with my husband for not soothing her fast enough. How do you deal with a crying baby? Did you get used to it?
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Mine is one and I still hate hearing him cry, it makes me really anxious and on edge. I think the raw emotional side of it fades but it still triggers fight or flight response in mothers.

I get so so anxious when it happens in public especially if we are somewhere quiet like a doctors office. But I learned that I just need to take a deep breath and in a way I tell myself that’s their version of talking and either my baby is saying “change my diaper lady” or “I’m hungry hurry up” and taking that approach has helped me a lot

My son is 19 months and only now am I not having a visceral reaction to his cry. I hate his whiny cry and I feel panicky if it's a tantrum but a normal cry like if he's tired or wakes in the night or is cold etc doesn't bother me anymore. I think it's hardwired into us so that we feel urgency and help them quicker but it does fade, and that's coming from someone who had bad ppa and health anxiety when he was little. I thought I'd never stop being sick with worry but it really has gotten better! I've never done this myself but I've heard it recommended often, headphones with music playing or earplugs just to drown the sound out while you look after your baby so the baby is still getting what they need and you can't hear their little siren x

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