I have a cousin that was born feb 29 she always celebrates on march 1st ( she is 32 now) many people believe that celebrating before is bad luck so they do it after
Whichever day is on or closer to a weekend that year.
From someone born on 1 March I’d say go with 28 Feb … only because my birthday is often forgotten/late cards etc because people turn over their calendar and see it rather than having any prior notice 😂😂
@Vicky I didn't think about it that way 🤣
I’d want to stay in the month I was born so be a feb baby I’d stick with feb. Entirely your choice tho! Either is good
I'd probably go with the time they were born, before midday 28th feb, after midday 1st mar
I’d go for 28th as it’s at least the same month as his birth month!
Let her decide and change it up depending on her mood once she’s a couple years old, how cool!! I vote February baby stays a February baby for now though
28th! It’s the same month!
I’d say 28th to keep it in February
You should keep it February
I'd say February 29th right on the day ❤️
@Babyboo of course we will do that on leap years 😅 But what do we do on three others?
@Liubov then I'd say the 28th loll 🤣
My parents were married on leap year. They celebrated on the 28th.