@Diana dang girl!!
That sounds like good progress! At my 38 week appt on Wednesday I was 2.5/3cm and 70% effaced
I’m 37 weeks as of today. My last appointment, I was 1cm dilated. I have my next appointment tomorrow.
I still haven’t been checked this pregnancy. But with my last i was 5cm dilated at 34weeks pregnant
34 weeks, 2cm dilated, and 100% effaced!
I haven’t been checked yet, but I have a appt on Friday
36 w and i was at 0 during my 34th week checkup. Looking fwd to next week ob visit, non stress test and ultrasound scan 🙏
39 weeks & yesterday was 0 (two weeks ago I was at 3 gah it’s completely inconsistent 😑) he’s at -1 station & I’m not sure about effacement
i’m 38+2 and at my appointment this past wednesday the midwife said i’m “not really dilated” and that she could barely or kinda fit the tip of her finger 🤔
@Lesya is that possible?? To go from a 3 to a 0??
37 + 3 and I’m 3cm dilated and 80% effaced but I know you can be dilated a long time before anything happens! I have an induction scheduled for 12/6 original due date 12/12!
@Jazmyn why induction for you?
@Katia I live far away from the hospital and there’s been many baby’s born on that road so they wanted to be prepared!
@Jazmyn oh wow! Good luck, dear
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38 weeks and 1 day. I’m 1 cm and 80% effaced!
this is wild so many people are dilated i am 38w2d and last monday my dr checked and i wasn’t dilated at all but she could feel my baby’s head
@Maddie same with me. She could feel her head crown.
@Molly yes (it was during a period of extreme stress, which is when closing back up is most common as in I was dilating normally but then once the stressful situation came up I went back down) the midwife said given the circumstances it’s normal .. and it’s painful bc he’s continuing to descend, hitting my not consistently dilating cervix and ended up jammed under my left ichial ligaments so it’s very hard to walk . Legit feels like he’s trying to come out of just under where hip flexors tie into your sacrum .. I’ve been trying sidelying release to get him to move more centre again but it’s difficult bc I’m having a lot of trouble In current circumstances (which I won’t be able to even begin to resolve until *after* due date) relaxing or regulating my nervous system enough to stay dilated.. evry few days I start again & then it regresses - it’s been a loop for a month now 😭😭
At my 38 week appointment last Wednesday I was 1cm and cervix was thin. My doctor was able to touch the top of his head through my cervix. Getting a membrane sweep at my 39 weeks appointment this week since I’ve had no cramping or anything 🤞
👀 I was only checked at my 36wk appt. And I was dilated. I'm going to ask to check at my 39wk appt... I'm not sure if I'm having contractions or it's still Braxton Hicks
My sis-in-law was like 6cm for weeks before she gave birth. I was 1cm when I got checked 16 hours before my first baby came. It really doesn’t tell you anything unfortunately.
@Krissie this is what I keep hearing (that bishops score overall & esp dilation it’s more relevant to how likely an induction is to be successful than how likely you are you go into labour in x amount of time) my mil even told me the same thing that’s been happening to me was going on with her & she saw it with some of her sisters as well (she’s the oldest of 9 mostly girls)
@Travaughn did you have your baby early? I’m dilated but only 34 weeks
@Ana yea but i was induced like a week before my due date
39 weeks and 3cm!
@Travaughn how was ur induction experience? I am getting induced a week before my EDD also
@Katia honestly both times i was induced actually werent to bad. I got great nurses and shockingly fast deliveries with both my induced babies. But the contractions are definitely way worse then going into labor naturally
I’m 35 weeks and 2cm dilated as of Thursday night