Launching food

Anyone else’s lo launching food at meal times? My lg doesn’t even taste it and chucks it. We thought about getting a catchy tray thing but there’s no point as she throws the food so far. Any advice on this? She is 15 months
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Hi, it seems like schemas. Little ones often play with their food, kind of like trying to figure out if it has any other purpose if that makes sense. If she tasted it and chucked it I would think she didn’t want it, but the fact that she hadn’t tasted it seems like she’s just exploring in her own way and trying to figure out what else to do with it. If you haven’t already you can try to quietly eat a bit of it while sat close to her but not make any big deal out of it so overtime she watches and learns that the purpose for it is to be eaten only. If you prefer to interact, then I would avoid saying “no” or “don’t throw” as her toddler brain won’t understand that, I would demonstrate and repeat “*the food* is for eating, it goes in your mouth. You can chew your food like this…” May or may not work as toddlers are also pretty stubborn lol. She will eventually grow out of it though

Give her one piece at a time. Or put the piece directly into her mouth. When my kid threw food it meant she was done eating. She would eat until she didn't want anymore then start playing. I soon learned to end the meal when baby threw food.

She does sometimes play with her food but she’s just refusing to engage with it now. I do eat some and sometimes she’ll copy, then she on the floor it goes So she throws it as soon as I put it down and does it most meal times. I try putting it in her mouth but she refuses and will whinge.

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