Set a timer for your medication that’s how I remeber to take mine. Try to sleep when she sleeps or do something for you while she sleeps Definitely try to get therapy twice a week
@Tashina I have an alarm for my meds but I have a horrible memory, so if I'm busy when my alarm goes off I'll usually end up dismissing it and then completely forgetting anyway. and unfortunately my insurance only covers one therapy visit a month and we can't afford it without insurance. I do sleep when she sleeps usually though as she is a very dependent sleeper, so we do a lot of cosleeping naps following the safe sleep 7.
You need new insurance that’s not enough for how bad ur depression is your therapist can request more visits for medical necessity
@Tashina I'm on government insurance because my fiance and I are struggling a lot financially but I'll definitely talk to my therapist to see if she can request more visits through my insurance.
Have you tried taking vit d or using a vit d lamp in winter? I find my depression is worse in winter too, thr cold days, all the rain, not being able to leave the house as often. I thrive on being outside and busy but in winter it feels impossible to do. Vit D supplements/lamp are meant to replicate the highs we get in the summer from the sun
@Ebony I take vitamin d gummies (again when I remember) because I breastfeed so her pediatrician suggested it. But honestly remembering is so hard and my fiance also has a shit memory so even when he says he'll remind me, we both forget constantly
I might look into a vitamin d lamp though cuz I need a new reading lamp anyway for my bedside table 😂
Again I say you can request more for medical necessity doesn’t matter what kind of insurance you’re on if your therapist knows what they’re doing the insurance should approve it
I would suggest you talk to a medical professional and a therapist too. I get seasonal depression as well and my postpartum year was definitely much worse! Also, try and get out of the house and get some fresh air when you can and do activities for yourself, even if it's a few minutes of meditation or listening to music or something that's relaxing.