I have a 2.5yr old and a 3 month old and it’s not for the weak that’s for sure lol
2.5yo, 17m & 27wks pregnant - exhausted is an understatement and yeah I literally do everything and at the same time feel like nothing gets done 🥴 definitely not enough hours in the day 😂
I have never related to something more haha I have a 4 year old, 21 month old and 6 week old and I am literally CONSTANTLY cleaning or taking care of someone/everyone 24 hours a day and yet everything is a mess all the time and everyone is still sad and needy hahahah
What helps me is leaving the house once a day. We also have planned activities that I look forward to as well, we’re doing lots of holiday events right now- tree lightings, lights at the zoo, etc. I also lean on my village. I have a nanny twice a week. And my parents watch baby girl every other Friday. During these times I try to focus on myself and my husband. You are not alone in feeling this way, I definitely feel it to. These are just some of the things that have helped me.
Yes! I’m cleaning nonstop yet it’s still a mess. I’m always feeding someone but yet someone is always hungry. As soon as one falls asleep the other wakes up. Most days I don’t sit down unless I’m nursing and I somehow still feel lazy
I clean my house all day and every night it still looks like a hurricane passed by
I have a 2yr old if that makes a difference haha