Struggling to enjoy my pregnancy

I’m 23 weeks pregnant and I prayed to have this baby and for this pregnancy after multiple losses. I never thought I would struggle so much with my positivity and happiness. I know it’s hormones but everything feels scary and heavy. If it’s not the fear of loosing the baby or something being wrong it’s the disappointment of my family behavior during this time. I just can’t seem to enjoy this time Any tips ?
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Focus on your baby what’s best for them what helps me is knowing when I cry my baby cry’s with me and I don’t want him feeling that way for my pain also walks in sunshine forcing my self to do so that way the baby will be somewhat healthy also my fur babies honestly they are my all but just keep your head up being a mom is a precious thing and to cherish every moment and know that you are not alone in this maybe find some mom groups either online or in person as well but there are a TON of baby mamas out there going threw this same thing as well so you aren’t alone I feel the same way plus I’ve been losing people in my life left and right so i understand it’s hard 🥰🥰 but you got this

I've never enjoyed being pregnant 🤷‍♀️ might not be helpful, but you're not alone. Just do what you can to relax and focus on your wellbeing. Nothing else is really in your control. Your baby will be here soon enough and you'll enjoy them then, or soon after if you struggle with PPD (personally I needed meds) but my son's my world and while I can't say I'm enjoying being pregnant again, I know his brother will be equally amazing and this is just a chapter in a very long book.

It's okay to not enjoy pregnancy. Doesn't mean you are any less excited for baby. Once I separated the 2 and allowed myself to be okay with not enjoying it I didn't feel as guilty which made it more enjoyable. Now I still hated it but it took off the pressure. There are so many women who don't enjoy it. Honestly after multiple losses I'm not surprised you aren't enjoying it. It's terrifying and anxiety provoking and you have so many hormones in you! Give yourself permission to be okay with not enjoying it. You are still hapoy you are having a baby and that is all that matters!

It is amazing to hear that I am not alone in this. I often thought that it made me a bad person for feeling annoyed at something I prayed so hard for. When we are two, I know that I will love her with everything in me.

@Kameron you are not alone and it's actually really normal! You just normally only hear people talk about how much they love it! After going through it I make sure to share cause otherwise it feels really lonely!

@Jessica couldn't agree more! Here to say I see you. I feel it. You are doing great! March will be here before we know it!

You’re not alone! I struggled with this feeling a LOT in the beginning, especially after undergoing IVF and doing it solo. I’m close with my own mom but she inadvertently makes me feel guilty bc she loved being pregnant and can’t understand how I hate it. I take comfort knowing all mom friends feel exactly the same as me!

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