5 week old typically feeds around 9/10, wakes around 2/3 then again at 7/8. she has anywhere between 3-5oz each feed
5 week old , breast milk through day, pre made formula on night , sleeps 10 till 3/4 and then till 8/9 , has formula at 9 and 3 x
Those all sound dreamy amounts of sleep! I can’t get my little to sleep longer than 1.5 hours. Any tips?
Bf babies tend to wake more frequently than formula babies as breast milk is digested more quickly. I give my baby 1 bottle of formula at bedtime then he'll do 3-4 hours of sleep for the first stretch. After that I bf making sure he has both sides by doing nappy in the middle to wake him up, then he does 2-3 hours twice.
@Rosie do you have the same routine every night? Like going to bed at the same time? Same person feeding before bed etc? Little things like this can help massively. We always give the last feed upstairs with dim lights at around 11pm and he sleeps for 5 hours until he needs his next one, he’s 6 weeks xx
@Rosie how is your baby sleeping duty the day? The day naps impacst the night ones, also as said above, breast milk is digested quicker
@Milly yes same routine every night as I have a 15 month old too so they both go down at 7, he then sleeps until 9:30 but then is up every hour/1.5hours after that. I’ll try more formula bottles tonight to see if that helps longer stretches.
@Roberta id say he still sleeps most of the day, I can’t seem to keep him awake really he maybe has 2 times in the day where he’s alert and looking around, once in the morning and once in the evening. The rest of the time he just feeds and sleeps. Do you think that’s impacting night sleep? Although I’m combi feeding, I’m offering breast milk every feed but then also offering him 3/4oz of milk every 3/4 hours now as he seems so much more settled after a bottle of formula
@Rosie mine is the same. Maybe trying to stimulate him more during the waking hours (you might be doing already) with some toys and high contrast books
@Roberta I haven’t been so much as I also have a 15 month old but I will give it a go a bit more and see if that helps.
Ohh this makes things more challenging! Bless you!! All will be fine and soon, with the bottle he is gonna sleep for longer
@Roberta do you formula feed in the day? How many bottles and what amount does yours have throughout the day? I breastfed my last baby so no clue about formula.
My 5 week old feeds about 11pm then wakes once during the night around 4/5am for a feed, then again at 8/9am