My girl is the same. I've been giving her a bottle first and she will have about 4oz out of it. Then get fussy and refuse the rest. So I'll give a small breakfast and then offer the rest of the bottle after and she will have another 2-3oz usually. My girl doesn't seem ready to drop the bottle but it's hard to tell. She's having 4 bottles 8oz each. I've read it's usually the lunchtime bottle they drop first but I'm a FTM so no idea really
@Kat yeah I seem to remember my son doing it as well perhaps I need to trial a few things. Xx
@Sarah yeah makes sense for lunch as they’ll eventually nap through their usual time. I’m a second time Mum and don’t really have a clue lol 😂. Think it’s all trial and error 😂 xx
@Rachel my friend has two as well and said they're both completely different so you never really know what you're doing from one baby to the next 😂
@Sarah they are the opposite my first I found very hard my little girl is still hard but a bit easier 😂 xx
My girl has half her bottle in the morning then I use the remaining milk to make porridge or weetabix for breakfast followed by a 2 hour gap then another bottle. Seems to work fine for us. Maybe try switching things up and see if it works for you
@Samina thank you she just has ready brek with cows milk normally or toast xx
I haven't with this baby but with both my other 2 (now 15 and 10) I would use half the bottle to make breakfast with (porridge or weetabix) then give the other half either after or before depending on how hungry they were when they woke up