Mine has 7/8oz breaky, 7/8oz bedtime, but will usually only drink a 5/6oz at lunch time. She's recently dropped the 4th bottle because she's loving food so guess she's full! This is with 3 meals a day. I read somewhere 20-24 oz is recommended for this age.
7oz 4x a day now. We were on 5x a day but 6oz. We upped it to 7 but then she was completely not interested in the bottle so we went to 4 (plus 3 little ‘meals’ now. She is sometimes leaving some now the more she is eating so I’d imagine we will drop the 4th one soon. I think 5oz is still a decent amount tbh, you’ll probably be able to drop one soon with those meals, and she may then have 6 each time but she might just not need it and maybe more interested in food soon anyway! As long as she’s hydrated and healthy x
We’re on an average of 5oz across 5 feeds (1 night time) I do offer more but he only ever takes more just before bed!
Mine took MONTHS to get to 6-7oz. I’m doing 4x 6-7oz bottles a day and a 3oz around 4am.