@Jenny thank you I’ll give the open cup a try and see if he catches on, yeah my little one does think it’s a game haha, he loves his food though and doing really good with eating I’ll just persevere and see how we get on x
No advice but in the same boat and we have tried 8 different cups! Sippy/open/straw
We use the tumtum cup. My little one got on really well with it straight away. It's a straw based cup, available on Amazon x
My girl loves a drinking from the same water bottle as me and her dad. So just a normal water like you get with a meal deal for example😅
Munchkin 360 was one we finally got my little one using
I got a moonkie style. My little girl needed to see the water in it to catch on. She now pretty much can drink from it herself at 11 months but I still hold the bottom to stop her throwing it or playing and tipping water when she's done!
I started mine with the bibado open cup at 6 months and he’s always liked that. He can now pick it up by himself and drink. I also at 8 months started him on the tum tum straw cup and he’ll have water/milk out of it at nursery. It helped him master straw drinking and we gave the munchkin straw cup for home and out and about as it leaks less. Mine likes throwing too and was a lazy eater until last week. If he starts throwing I ignore it so it doesn’t turn into a game and quietly remove the food. Sometimes I have to put the food to his mouth so he gets it’s for eating and that normally signals to him to start eating it. Throwing is completely normal and helps them understand object permeance etc