@Isabelle thank you 🙏 I hope I don’t have 10 weeks of these 🤣🤣
Currently 27+4 weeks pregnant. Also high risk for pre term labour due to insufficient cervix. I’ve been having period like cramps but in my back mainly, and some in my lower tummy. Not sure if it’s braxton hicks or not!
@Leah ahh it’s a scary thought isn’t it!! I think I’m classed as moderate risk not high just due to my previous labour and when they checked my cervical length was on the lower end but classed as normal 🤞 I don’t remember this with my first pregnancy 😬 that’s how mine feel, period cramps but more focused on the lower part of the bump 😩 how long have you been having the cramps?
It’s really scary! For the last few days really. I went on a walk yesterday and they started again, it took a good few hours for them to go! But felt like period pain x
I don't even know whats normal anymore 😂 I was admitted to hospital for 11 days because I kept getting lower stomach pain that kept coming and going. If your worried, I'd definitely call your Midwife line and get seen. I think the part of considered risk of pre term labour is what gets us worried because I'm in the same boat, Just a little cramp makes my anxiety go crazy.
It’s totally normal! I’ve been getting them for weeks and had them early with my first too. Doesn’t mean that baby is coming anytime soon. X
@Leah mine get worse when I walk, my stomachs like rock 😭😭😭
@Kristina ah bless you!! I hope everything is ok?? Yes you’re right, being classed at risk just makes you over think everything. It’s funny because my boy was born at 41+3 😂😂 I’m seeing her on Wednesday so I will mention it to her obviously unless it gets worse in the meantime!
@Samantha 🙏 thank you! I hope not 😂😂 it’s funny as my son was born at 41+3 so it’s more likely I will be overdue 😂
@Ellie My waters broke 2 weeks ago, I have to give birth at 36 weeks if she isn't here before that x
@Kristina omg bless you, that must be so frightening. No wonder you are on high alert!! How far along are you?
@Ellie I'm 29 weeks + 4 days. Panicking at any side effects 😂😫
@Kristina you must be due the day before me! I’m not surprised!
@Ellie My due date is the 6th of February but obviously with waters breaking it'll be around the beginning of January x
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@Kristina yes I’m 7th! I’m most likely having a section at 39 weeks if she doesn’t come before that haha! Wish you all the luck xx
Very normal at this stage ☺️