My blood sugar was always super low for some reason, but I had GD idk 😅 mine was diet controlled. I honestly had no issues. My baby came out 8 pounds exactly 💀 I was promised 6-7 pounds lol, but I was fine. Idk if this was a gd issue but he was a bit too big for me and his shoulder ended getting stuck (they say it’s rare) but he came out perfect vaginally. He didn’t have shoulder problems or tortícolis. I took him to the chiropractor three days after birth and they said he was great so honestly overall birth and pregnancy was perfect. Just be very careful eating fruits and anything with added sugar for a till after birth recovery. Just so you don’t stay with diabetes (which can happen if not regulated) 🫶🏼 you’re gonna be okay!
GD is pretty common. You won’t have a still birth from gestational diabetes. Try not to worry too much mama. If you have anymore questions feel free to message me!
It’s only normal to worry about little one arriving safely. And yes, the cold facts are that still birth is more common for women that have GD, BUT the risk is still very, very low. I’ve had GD in both pregnancies and 2 perfectly healthy babies. Keep calm, positive vibes and look forward to those newborn baby snuggles 🥰
I was fine, diet controlled and they recommended induction at 40+6 but honestly I can’t see why it was needed. I’ll be pushing back this time (number 2) and letting things happen naturally xx
My sister in law had it and it was not easily controlled with diet so she was on insulin. she was also high risk being “geriatric”. They made her feel like she was going to have a 15lb baby that would be on death’s door. She had a perfectly healthy 5lb baby and the only risk to baby during delivery was completely unrelated to her diabetes. Obviously stick to diets and medication advised by your doctor most serious risks come about when you don’t follow advice to control your GD
I had GD with baby #1 (and they claimed I did with #3 but all my numbers was perfect) With #1 i was on metformin & insulin. Baby was born at 38 weeks weighing 7lb. No complications from GD. Hes a perfectly healthy 3 year old now. All my glucose tests since having him have been negative, and even though they had me finger pricking with baby #3 the numbers was all normal so it might not even effect future pregnancies xx
I think untreated is where the major issues happen. So that’s why it’s important to be diagnosed and get the support diet & medication wise if needed 💕
My great aunt had it with all 4 of her kids and had zero complications. All vaginal births, unmedicated and not even an episiotomy. Sending you well wishes
I was never checked with my 1st I was fobbed off a lot, I’m sure I had GD and so did the diabetic nurse (when I seen her with my 2nd) he was premature born at 36 weeks but was 7’1 so a big baby for a 36 weeker 🤣I was checked and had GD with my 2nd he was born at 37 weeks exact and weighing 8’4 he was completely fine although he was in special care but was not because of GD x
The concern with a stillbirth is when gestational diabetes is undiagnosed and so if you are being treated the risk is considerably lower. Try not to panic ❤️
I had an induction at 38 weeks. My GD was pretty uncontrolled towards the end and I was on metformin. Baby girl arrived perfectly healthy 6.5 (was estimated to be 9 pounds). I was terrified about having an induction. I managed with gas and air. The only thing different was she had to have her blood sugars checked after the first 2 feeds which she passed 🥰
Still birth from GD occur when your blood sugar levels are not managed well which is why diagnosis and treatment is so important
I was scared when I was told about still birth especially after trying for so long for a baby. Just don’t stress yourself out over it. My last pregnancy I was insulin resistant so my sugars kept going up and so did my insulin. This time round I got officially diagnosed at 11 weeks but I knew from 9 and have been taking insulin since but I’ve not stressed at all this time because I know I’ll just have to keep having more insulin. My last baby was 7lb. I think this one will be bigger because not on metformin x
I was on metformin, insulin, doses kept going up. Had a perfectly healthy little girl and so far my diabetes has gone too. I found the extra growth scans and appts really reassuring, that’s what they’re there for x