Combi feeding

We’ve been formula and breast feeding since the start. She now hardly drinks any formula. I make 3 bottles a day but she refuses it 85% of the time. I’ve been mixing it with normal milk but she doesn’t want that either. She can say ‘boobie’ and is now asking for breast milk a lot of the day. I’m finding it a lot and feel she wants it more now because she’s not having any other milk. I’m worried she’s not getting enough breast milk either as I feel i have low supply. Anyone else had this? Should I be getting her to have cows milk? How? Thanks
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So I'm on the same boat this is my third child and has been breastfeeding the longest but I feel the same way he's chooseing boob over bottle and hates cows milk I did have him on oat milk for kids that I found in Spain and he looooved that but can I find it in the UK no!!! But what I wanted to say to you is remember he will get fatter milk from us so he don't need as much as the bottle. Aslong as she isn't loosing weight and your happy to continue then your fine. Have you considered other types of milk?

@Ashley you can get growing up oat milk in all major supermarkets which is fortified if you haven’t tried that! @Liz they don’t actually need milk after 1 so I wouldn’t worry about how much they’re having as long as they’re having plenty of cheese yoghurt etc. Comfort feeding around this age is very common with separation anxiety around its peak it’s very normal for a toddler to want to come to the boob frequently. You can try distracting with a snack or cuddles/ another form of comfort if you’re not wanting to feed so frequently x

Thanks @Yasmin think you’re right. In different situations when she feels anything she wants boobie. It’s like her go to thing

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