My first born was colicky until about 2 years old. Then I had my 2nd baby when she was 3 and prayed every day to not endure that hell again. They are now 8 and 11. It gets easier, and it really does take a village, and if you don't have one, join a hiking group. Being outside will help your sanity and your kids. Motherhood is the best hood. Try to remember that as hard as it may be when they are so little.
I hear you! It’s extremely challenging and completely endless. I echo that it takes a village do you have family that is willing to give you time? I seriously wouldn’t be surviving without my mom and husbands mom.
Hey bear videos!!!! Saved me when my son had colic.
My son is now (almost) 4 but he was colic. I thought it would never end. And honestly thought we might die, it was so bad. But, eventually, it did end. There is light at the end of the tunnel mama :)
@LeeAnn no not much family and i’m a sahm
My brother was colicky and my mom went to a doctor. The doctor said that for my mom sometimes you need to put them somewhere safe (crib, strapped in carseat, etc.) Shut the door, put in headphones for one song to regain your composure. The doctor said as long as baby is safe and you've changed, fed, burped them they are okay for 3 or 4 minutes. Better than you doing something you regret because you were overwhelmed and frustrated. I had to do that with my daughter once because I couldn't stand the crying anymore.
@Alyssa yeah i literally just put him in the room to cry it out. i dont know what else to do for him. i feel defeated.
@Reanna i can’t imagine dealing with this for 2 years
my son had colic and it was the hardest for me and i didn’t know what to do about it but thankfully i tried switching his formula and also buying bottles that are none colic those helped a lot and instead of shaking the bottle i would use a spoon to mix it to prevent air and bubbles in his formula and i would sit him in a upright position while feeding and that helped out a lot with him, he is now three almost four months and he is doing a lot better now, it does get better trust me
i also would use medicines that helped with the colic too, that could be another thing he is probably getting a lot of air from drinking his bottles and i also use different nipples that works for him when he stops drinking and to breathe the milk doesn’t come out until he starts drinking again those nipples helped me so much too
@maiya so i breastfeed exclusively but when i use a bottle it’s nanobebe brand. so im not sure if it’s gas. it’s like no matter what i eat he’s gassy. i can literally starve all day and somehow he’s still gassy. then my milk barely has any fat in it so idk if i should just formula feed and stop bf
You’ve probably checked it all but a few things to rule out might be a cows milk protein allergy (can you cut cows milk from your diet for a few weeks to see if it makes a difference?), tongue tie, go for cranial osteopathy (may be tension from birth?), reflux/silent reflux. I’m not a fan of the idea that colic is just colic that you have to suffer through, I always think there’s a reason (and there can be a tonne and it can be a nightmare to figure out). But also for your mental health definitely take the advice given here and ask for all the help you can access 💗 I’m so sorry you’re going through this, I wish there was an easy answer but you’re doing great and your feelings are valid
@Madeleine yea that’s what they keep telling me is that he will grow out of it but it’s frustrating not knowing what to do while he screams all day. i will talk to his doctor about the tongue tie and the tension from birth. i dont drink cows milk but i do eat cheese a lot and yogurt so maybe ill cut that out and see if thats it
if you want you can message me and i can tell you what i’ve used to help calm down my son’s colic over the past months he had
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I didn't drink cows milk because that was always the assumption of gassiness. My daughter had pretty severe digestive issues that we continued to see a doctor for. I spent so much energy worried about her and trying to change things to benefit her and help my sanity. Nothing worked. Sometimes, there isn't a medical reason for your baby crying, but take all the advice here to rule out all the possibilities for your own sanity.
My daughter was exactly the same, she was never happy for the first 6 months of her life, and would scream for hours. It is so so tough, and to have a toddler to look after too, you’re a superwoman. Just keep going, set yourself little targets, ask for help and I know it doesn’t seem like it but it will pass, my daughters nearly 5 years old now, the light of our lives and those hellish months seem so long ago.
I hear you I had the same with my boy who is now 5.5months old he had reflux and colic it was hard and to top it off he had to have casts on since 4 weeks old aswell as a surgery at 8 weeks old it didn't get better til 16 weeks now im only dealing with the reflux now still have our moments but it's much more manageable it does get easier I promise try some infacol if available where you are or any stuff that helps with colic
I tried everything aswell I believe he may have a slight intolerance to dairy unconfirmed as we went to goats milk then to aptimal sensitive for the duration of colic up til 3 weeks ago I put him back on karicare cause he started refusing aptimal sensitive he's doing much better so sometimes best to do different stuff like if breastfeeding cutting out all dairy to see if that helps majority of the time if there's a dairy intolerance it would show in there poop also has bub had mucus in his poo or blood these symptoms don't always show though
So first off, breathe mama and give yourself time to cry it out. Colic is so so so hard. I don’t know how it feels as a mom, but I was a colic baby. To this day, I have terrible stomach issues. Rubbing my stomach still reallly helps me when I’m having stomach pain and discomfort. I’m hoping it may be some relief to your little guy. Second, I remember being home alone with my baby in tears with him screaming and crying in my ears. My family and my husbands family was all far away and I have to tell you, I was loosing it. Something I wasn’t expecting was neighbors to help. Her daughter had colic (it *usually* lasts 2-4 months) and she took over for 30 minutes so I could shower and recompose myself. The next day, she brought over noise cancelling headphones. I’ve been in moments when my son was in so much pain w/ constipation and loosing my mind. I put on the headphones and hum and rock him while he cries and gets his tears out. It helps me keep some sanity and he feels love 🫶
thank you mamas so much i really appreciate it! you guys helped so much today
Stop eating all dairy for sure. Colic is USUALLY food allergies. I had to cut dairy, peas, beans, chilli, cabbage and broccoli for both kids and the colic stopped. They both went on to have allergies.
Seriously ALL dairy. Read all labels. No dairy at all.
Also feel free to pm me any time particularly if you try some eliminations and they don't solve all of the colic
My baby had really bad colic and was exclusively breast fed. I found: 1) Infacol and gripe water before a feed was helpful 2) went vegan for 8 weeks to make sure it wasn’t cows milk issue (it can take up to 4 weeks for any milk products to leave the breast milk) 3) warm baths 4) bicycles with the legs 5) I learnt reflexology of the foot and that worked really well. 6) I got told to avoid spicy food/ grapefruit/ beans 7) my little joy had a tongue tie and we got that snipped, but it still didn’t help the colic. They still don’t know why the baby becomes colicky- they think it’s the immature gut maturing. Thankfully it just stopped one day around the 4 month mark. It was like he was a new baby. It’s hard to watch and manage but you are doing a great job. It will get better x
Talk to a mental health professional love and see what they can do. Anyone going through what you have stacked up wouldn’t feel good either.