If it’s a pee then squat anywhere but if it’s not deffos holding it in 😂😂
Either I'm stopping at a gas station or pulling over on the side of the road. I would not wait to find a Walmart or target
Imm going.l once nearest store/ gas station. And if it’s long distance road trip, I’m pissing on the side of the road. Poop is a different conversation. I’ll hold in a shit if I must.
Pee I can hold awhile. For #2 I will find the nearest place. I had my gallbladder out at 19 and ever since, if I have to go I have to go. I used to commute over an hour to college (most of the commute being through farmland) and one time I had to go so bad but I was getting close to school and was trying to hold it. Right when I reached city limits I had to pull into a Meijer and blow up the bathroom 😂🙈. I was so annoyed because I was probably less than 5 minutes from the school.
Depends lol 😂 I’ve peed & pooed on the side of the road
When all the gas stations and stores were locked down was when I had no choice lol 😂 Covid sucked
My friend and I were debating on what we do when we have to go but we’re out 😂 I feel like a crazy person when I have to poo and I’m driving. I have like 5-10 min max to find a bathroom or else 😂
I can hold for a little bit. I don't have any health issues that prevent me from doing that. If im close to home I'll wait. If I've got a ways to go then I'm pulling over to squat if I have to pee but if I have to poop then I'm hitting a gas station or target or whatever is near.
Honestly, using my kids portable potty chair in the back of my car if it’s just pee but if it’s more I’ll stop wherever is closest if I have an upset tummy otherwise just wait to go home.
I’m going wherever has a bathroom lol
gas station
Depends how close i am to each place and how urgent it is.