I think so too, but I almost busted into tears hearing it, he does answer back with a lot of grunting sounds when I’m talking to him
Yessss!!! I have a video I think at 11 weeks. But he had already been doing it!! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_OzMRmSLSo/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
They can start immitating sounds and cadence that early, but it's not true speech yet. Very cute tho!
Yes! My baby makes a noise like ‘a-woo’ that sounds like love you 😂.
Girl my baby started complying my sounds and mouth movements at abt the same age! I def believe this is possible. Ignore the nay sayers lol
It’s great to be talking to your baby and making sounds/ imitating sounds and they may sound like they are coping and experimenting. Not actual talking yet- that will take a lot longer (I’m a speech and language therapist) but definitely very cute and still an important milestone!
8 weeks old is too young to cognitively understand and form speech like this. He would have just made a sound that happened to sound like that, which is still super cute!