Weaning struggles

Is anyone else struggling with scared of not being needed once weaned? My son is EBF and I’m really struggling with the emotions that he will want to be fed less once he is on solids. We are BLW so slowly just introducing foods to him but I am finding it so raw and full of emotion…is it just me?!
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I did BLW with my exclusively breastfed daughter and she preferred breast milk over solids somedays and solids over breast other days. However she still likes the boob all the same even now at 2 years old! It definitely was scary at first for me but she’s still as obsessed now as she was at 9months when we started!

I stopped bf my (now 3yo) boy at 22months. He loooves his food, always has, but he loved his morning and bedtime boob just as much - at the end it was just more a comfort thing, more like a snack really. then would eat his proper breakfast. The reason he stopped was because I was 5/6months pregnant so I think my supply decreased, but we also did out his room and got him a new bed (as we needed cot for new baby) so he had a new nighttime routine. Saying all that, it’s completely natural to be sad about bfing less and don’t be hard on yourself about feeling emotional. I got a breastmilk keepsake using my last expressed milk for after he stopped bfing, as similar to you I wanted to get to 2 years (although can’t complain about being 2m short). I also tried telling myself it was better that he self-weaned as there would be no battle or ‘trauma’ with trying to stop bfing, which arguably would be worse emotionally for the both of us. You’ll have done amazing to get to whatever point you do🫶🏻

I’m currently boobing my nearly 3 year old to sleep, breastfed babies tend to looooove the boob so you will be needed. Even when you fully wean from breastfeeding, you’ll still be his mummy, he’ll always need you!

I haven't started weaning yet but I also have been having these worries and feelings ❤️

I remember once reading that as soon as you introduce solids it's the beginning of weaning from the breast. But my 3 year old has proven that statement wrong... He was such a foodie (although currently barely eating 😩) but also a MASSIVE boober! He loves his boob. Lol.

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