Stopping breastfeeding

Does anyone have any advice on stopping breastfeeding? I have a 13 month old, she drinks cows/oat milk at nursery and sips of milk/water from a cup. I bf her at wake up, post nursery and before bed. On a non nursery day, I also bf her before her nap but post nursery she seems desperate for a feed. Don't know if it's more comfort at that point. She definitely feeds more when she's unwell, teething or sleeping badly. If she wakes up in the night, which she does in phases, I will bf. Part of me loves bf, but I also find the tie hard, I can't imagine not doing it but also have a few hen dos / weddings from April/May time which I don't think I could sill be bf during. I don't really know how to stop.
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You can still breastfeed and have time away from your child. x

I am in the exact same situation. Literally every word. Will be following these answers!

So I cut the nap feed first, offered milk in a cup and comforted her to sleep (same age as yours!) the first day she didn’t like it and it took a while, the next day was easier and so on. Eventually I was only feeding to sleep as she’d stopped waking most nights for milk, and I did the same and cut that by offering milk in a cup first and then comforting to sleep. She then needed less and less comforting and was happy to get in bed with her dummy and self settle to sleep. I asked her to dad to go in for any night wakings and offer milk in a cup if she needed it (started on a Friday night so it wouldn’t affect his work) and by the Monday she’d pretty much forgotten about my boobs altogether! The first couple of nights were hard, but once you say you’re going to go for it - stick to it! Or it’ll be even harder the next time! Good luck 😀 on a positive note she’s slept like a dream ever since!

wean her slowly. take away one feed and once she’s used to that take away another and eventually all of them. i’d say start with the morning feed. let her help you make breakfast so she has something to look forward to in the mornings besides bf. it’ll also help her learn to do things. shes 13 months but she can still help

@Gem I've done a night away, but worried about 2-3 nights. 🥴 I reeeeally hate pumping, maybe cos my pump isn't great but reluctant to buy a new one.

@Kaliyah love this idea! The morning if she gets up with mya partner, she's absolutely chill and eats breakfast. If she sees me she then cries for a bf 🥴 maybe I just need to stick with it and serve breakfast

@Gabi it’s hard. but after a few days she’ll forget all about it. she seems to be doing it for comfort, try to help her find some other form of comfort from you like cuddles and stuff. you got this!!❤️

@Kaliyah thank you!! ❤️❤️

I still breastfed my 24m, but have been slowly weaning for the last 2 months. I started by cutting down feed by feed. First I cut all the feeds in between waking up and sleep. End up with feeding her only in the morning at waking up, to nap, waking up from nap, to sleep and through the night. Then I cut the feeds at waking up. So no morning feed. I’d get up before her, prep breakfast and as soon as she was up I’d take her to come help me cook and that was that. Also cut the feed after her nap. Would get her up and take her out, bake, anything exciting to get her mind off. Even have picnic lunch at the park, ANYTHING. Once she was settled and used to not have those, I removed now the feed before nap. It’s been a week, she still asks for it, doesn’t get upset anymore but refuses to sleep. So we’re on no naps because of it 😂 I still bf to sleep and through the night, but now I am introducing other sleep associations: White noise, a cuddly between us, a tickle her back, etc…

(Cont…) That way, when I remove the bedtime feed, she will have everything else still to conform her, as well as me, just not boobies anymore. During the night, she barely feeds anymore. Just a couple of times and that’s it. They reduced at the same time as I started cutting down all the others. Once I hack the bedtime feed, then I’ll do the same for the feeds in the middle of the night.

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