
Anyone know if my wage is different each month, will the amount of UC I get differ each month, as in do they review it?
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They will know as our uc payment is different every month depending on if we’ve both done over time or not or if my other half has a extra weeks pay between payment dates

I'm a single mum, but I work as and when if that makes sense bank shifts

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Yeah so it will all depend on what you were paid between your dates mine is 13th of the month till the 12th of the following month, it depends on what you’ve made to how much they deduct off your payment

Yes it will vary, it's so annoying as I have to wait until their statement to find out how much rent to top up, it makes me so nervous as I have to keep back money for rent and not knowing exactly whats their payment figure???

UC Will deduct 55p from your entitlement for every £1 earned x

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