I want to go natural too but baby girl doesn’t want to leave! My induction is on the 3rd! Fingers crossed! 🙏🏼
I’m scheduled for an induction tonight! I’m 39+5 today, I’m glad it’s happening like this because I am sooo ready to meet him
I’m having a home birth so no inductions scheduled for me. I’m currently 40 weeks. With my first I got to 41+1 before being induced and then having to have a c section, I wanted to go a different route this time
@Reina you asked to be induced or it was because something else ? I wish you a safe and happy delivery, so exciting!! 🙏🏼
@Britney I’m in the same situation. But I’m also scared of waiting longer than I should, so I ended up scheduling an induction for 41w1d. Deep down, though, I kind of want to try waiting a bit more. But then you read about meconium and placenta calcification… I just don’t know which way to go.
My OB recommended and I agreed if labor hadn’t started on its own before 40 weeks. So I’m glad it’s happening now too to minimize any risks 🥹. Thank you so much!
I know the average length of pregnancy is up to 42 weeks if I go over that then I’ll get induced again 😭 I had another ultrasound at 38 weeks everything is good and my midwife says if I go over 40 I’ll just have to get checked every couple days to make sure baby is okay but I really hope he comes on his own🤞🤞
Same here, 41 weeks tomorrow and just wanted baby to come naturally, but worrying about waiting too long…scheduled an induction for 41+3
40 + 3 & no sign of baby boy yet. Doctor has me scheduled to be induced Thursday evening but hoping I labor on my own
I'll be 40w Thursday, they wanted me to schedule an induction for the 4th of December. I'm hoping he's here before that.