Being told my baby's name is unusual!

Hi all I have had a few occasions where people have said to me my baby's name is unusual. I had it when speaking to the reception staff of the GP, when going to an open day of a nursery, my own aunt....etc I find it really is bothering me. Most people like the name and find it beautiful, but I am getting these comments. I don't know how to respond to this sort of comment either. I find it really rude that people say that to me... I'm starting to worry people will say it to my little one as she grows up. Does anybody have any advice what I can say in response to this... I find it difficult to be confrontational, and not sure they always mean it in a negative way but it is not nice to hear really...
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I find people saying “unusual” really mean they think the name is uncommon and different or unique. I’ve gotten the comment a few times on my little ones name as well, and while it is initially rude they don’t always mean it to come off that way. I think a good way to reply to the comment is just responding with some form of “why?” In a friendly and genuinely curious manner. 9/10 they’ll rephrase what they mean but the occasional person will show their judgmental side and you can make a mental note that isn’t someone you want to stick around.

What's the name?

I get told it all the time saying “oooh Iv never heard that before” “where did you get it from” I’m glad means that she doesn’t have the same name as many others. Take it as a compliment and most people don’t even know how to pronounce her name

My mum got the same when I was born. She used to say that she wanted me to "stand out"

My name isn't spelt the way it sounds. And growing up been frustrating. I always got it was unusual but most people don't mean it in a negative way just literally they found it unusual. I never met anyone with my name spelt and pronounced the same way until I was 17. And still was only one person. Everyone gets it wrong to the point I literally don't bother correcting anyone unless we become friends. Not everyone is going to like a name though. Always someone won't like it. It's how people are. I dont like some names that are super common. X

I mean, if you give your child a name that IS unusual then isn't that to be expected?

The question is, is it? When we picked our daughters name we wanted something 'different not weird' was our mantra. I was the only Jenna in my year group at school, I only ever met American Jenna's, until university. My partner was one of 6 Thomas's. So when people say oh that's different to me about my daughters name, I'm happy. I've since heard my daughters name on a few occasions so her name is by no means as unique as I had hoped, but what can you do. The important thing is do you like your baby's name? If so then when folk say it's unusual just say nicely yet firmly 'thank you, we like it.' assume the positive position!

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