advice about feedings

so my son turned 1 November 3rd and we whined him off of formula and now he only drinks whole milk. i'm trying to give him under 20 oz of whole milk a day bc i read that anymore can be bad. but i worry that he isn't getting enough food. he will eat his purees and pouches. but almost anything else that is a solid food he just throws on the floor for the dog to eat 😒 is it okay for him to mainly eat purees and whole milk at this age? he also struggles drinking water
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My doctor told me purees are just fine for now while he is growing teeth and learning more things purees are still food

I just make sure my kids get a good variety of foods that are high in iron and vitamins whether that's purees or hidden in other foods and I don't limit milk

We have to put our dog in 'food jail' when our little guy is eating or he will give everything to her. She knows how to beg too well lol. We just put her on the other side of the baby gate until he is done eating. This has helped a lot with food dropping for us

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