@Gabrielle is it filling your baby up? My LG has started to wake during the night for feeds now. She eats so much during the day and has porridge before bed and then a bottle
We are on cow milk and he used to wake one time in the night for a bottle and now he’s waking twice and seems like he’s starving 😂
Yeah idk. She’s never been the greatest sleeper and she eats a lot during the day. But still wakes at night. She’s definitely getting better and doing longer stretches but it doesn’t fill them up as much as formula. But I think it’s just something they need to get used to along with eating more during the day. If you wanted to continue formula there’s nothing wrong with that we did for our son because he didn’t eat much during the day yet so we didn’t feel comfortable switching
Yes baby fully on cows milk
@Sophie how are they sleeping at night? X
@Gabrielle thanks yeah I didn’t want to go backwards onto formula , so will just ride it out x
Yes has been since 12 months
@Jasmine and how is LO sleeping on cows milk? X
Hasn’t effected his sleep in any way🤷🏼♀️
Yup. We went onto full fat cows milk just before she turned 1 cos nursery had run out of formula and we were nearly finished at home. Not had any problems as she'd been having it with food anyways :) x
Oat milk but yes. We switched right when she turned one because we were using goat milk formula that was expensive and barely around so we wanted to switch as soon as possible. With our first we switched around 16 months ish