Babies don't really get on a predictable schedule until closer to two months....we are in the middle of the 6 week growth spurt so definitely no schedule right now but I expect to see one starting to emerge after this growth spurt is over
My daughter will be a month on Friday and she sleeps a lot during the day and then up every two hrs at night for feedings. Trust me I try to keep her up during the day but hunny it just doesn’t work. I’m hoping the older she gets it will get better. (It has to lol)
My baby is getting to eating every 3 to 4 hours with 2 or so diaper changes in between each feeding. That’s about as much routine as we’ve managed in his 2 weeks 😅
@Kiarra Trying to keep her up could be what is making her stay awake at night. It’s counterintuitive, but I read that the better a baby sleeps during the day the better they sleep at night. With my baby we also started keeping it bright setting the house (even during naps) during the day and dark at night. Haven’t seen THAT much difference yet, but it’s only been a couple days and supposedly that’s supposed to help too.
@Brianna oh I’ve definitely given up trying to keep her awake, like she will not even open her eyes lol. Yep I do the same by keeping the blinds open, TV playing and all during the day and dark at night. No difference. But I know it will get better the older she gets. My son was a bit different than this but that was also 12 years ago lol
@Kiarra my baby is a week old, I'm having the same experience, she is sleeping well during the day, but gets restless at night.
My daughter is 3 weeks and I feel like she’s finally starting to get the hang of night time so it’s easier just to put her down after feedings and changes but following so I can get some tips possibly👀