How much is your baby drinking if they are formula fed? And how many bottles a day?

All last week I couldn’t get her past 60ml per bottle and I was so worried. Now she’s guzzling 150ml, sometimes every 2 hours. It can be four hours if I’m lucky but there’s no regularity right now. Part of me is trying not to panic and just go with the flow but it’s just the extremes that really throw me off knowing if I’m doing anything wrong. I’m going with her demands but it can translate to me feeling like I’m either under feeding or over feeding. First time mum with a 11 week old.
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exactly the same as me ! sometimes he’ll only take 60ml n other times he’ll finish a full 150ml so im in the same boat 😆

9 week old drinks about 5-6 oz every 3 hours. She has 6 bottles a day. The last few days because of her jabs she’s been having 2-6 oz but still making 6oz bottles just in case

I’ve never gone beyond 60ml to be honest. We’re 8 weeks tomorrow. We’ve sometimes done 70-80 ml in one sitting but never anything beyond that. She has the bottle every 2-2.5 hours. She drinks about 600-700 ml a day. She was on 50th percentile and now I think she’s around 35th but she’s grown tall. We’re about to change her clothing size again to 3-6 months maybe in two weeks max. Her pjs are very snug length wise

Mine drinks between 110-150 every 4 hours. She had 5 feeds a day

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