@Ebony she’ll rip me a new one if I try do a contact nap with her! 🤣 she’ll give me a cuddle but when she wants too she’s very independent in that way. How did you get your baby to crawl? Xx
@Mya Jean I didn't! She went on her knees and rocked for about a week then she tried taking a step or 2 and now there's no stopping her! She's too determined to get going!
My baby is the sort of the same, he still likes the 4-6month purées just the plain veggies and fruits but hatessss the lumpy 7+ month ones but if I give him a full Sunday roast he’ll eat the lot 😁 well and the dog because my boy thinks it’s hilarious to Chuck food to the dog 🙃
Same as ebony i contact nap to have the cuddles still we've just got 7 months and she's started 2 meals a day but we're still doing purees lumpy food textures no solid yet. Might try it soon though! Wish they could just stay little for longer 😕 makes me sad too
My LO has days where she will always take the spoon from me and be a strong independent lady! Then days where she's cba and just wants me to feed her 🤣🤣
It's the contact naps! We still do 1 contact nap a day so I can have so baby cuddles as she's a crawler now. She used to fit so nicely on one of my arms. She's now arms and legs all over the place. I do miss my tiny baby but loving the new adventures 💕