TMI Postpartum sex

Had sex 8 weeks pp and although it was enjoyable, it's definitely different. Questions: Have you found it to be different down there in terms of less feelings or sensitivity? Feels very dry down there internally? Less sensations and pleasure?
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Arr you breast feeding? This can cause you to be dryer

I had a C-section and it was even very dry for me pp. we use lube every time now and all is good. I formula feed aswell

It definitely did feel different, I started using coconut oil as lube & it helped a lot with the sensation and feeling. I had a little bit of pain every time until I was six months pp

All of the above. Didn’t get normal until 13-14 months when I stopped pumping (was still nursing but only a few times per day). Hormones affect it a lot

I definitely did and I’m one year in and it still feels very very dry I also know this is TMI but it takes me ages to get going and even then when I’m really in the mood I’m dry

It got way better by timr

My midwife told me it’s because all of our moisture is going towards our breasts (if you’re BFing). Try a water based lube, more foreplay and aphrodisiacs wouldn’t hurt 😉

Yea yea and yea! Dry - tick Less sensitive- tick Less horny - tick Hopefully when LO moves out and I sort out my contraption so condoms can go things will improve 🤞

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