Don't leave to dry, if you do it won't be sterile.
@Charley what would you dry it with?
@Claire you don't need to dry. Just shake off the excess fluid and use straight out of the Milton tub
@Charley but then it’s all wet when you put the pumps on 😩
@Misha the outside you can dry with paper towel. But if you dry the inside bits (anywhere the milk touches,) them its not sterile. Depends how important complete sterility is to you
I just dry mine with some kitchen towel. I try and leave them to air dry on a clean tea towel after sterilising but there’s no way I can wait 24 hours for them to dry otherwise I’d never express! Typically I’ll use them, wash them asap and then leave them in the solution. Then a bit later I’ll take them out and leave them out to dry as much as they can naturally before I use them for the next express. Then repeat…