Any success stories? Or what to expect with removal?
Im getting my implant removed December 10th to start ttc baby #2 after having it in for 2 years plus some months. My daughter will be 3 in January and I am ready. What should I expect with removal? Any success stories to share?
I had my implant in for 6 yrs (2 implants). I had mine taken out in the beginning of March and in the middle/end of April I found out i was about 4/5 weeks pregnant. My little girl has just turned 2🥰 I was convinced because I had had my implant in for such a long time that it would take my body a while to get its fertility right and my body back to ‘normal’…. boy was i wrong😂 When I went for mine and my little girls 8 week check up after birth, i had my implant put back in which will need replacing or removing January/February of 2026. We will decide then if we would like to have another baby as right now we dont but by that point we might be ready. I hope all goes well for you🩷