@M thanks so much, it feels good to know your appointment went well x
I had a dentist appointment a few months ago and dentist was really nice. They didn’t decline the chair as much as normal and said because I was pregnant would do just a general check up but wouldn’t do any treatment or X-rays etc until pregnancy was over unless absolutely necessary. X
@Chantelle thank you! I'll ask not to decline the chair too much as well and mention about not doing any treatments x
I almost fell asleep I was so relaxed last month lol plus free dental 🦷 💪🏻
I had a wisdom tooth out and all went perfectly fine! Inflamed gums from pregnancy ha. Try not to worry and just remind them you’re pregnant, they’ll be careful with you
I went last week and saw the hygienist for a check up. It was all fine and I just explained I wouldn't be able to cope with the usual clean he does as he's thorough usually and brushing my teeth is still making me gag 😅
If you tell them you are pregnant (depending how obvious it is😂) they will not recline the seat all the way back so you do not have to worry - even if they did you are in the chair for such a short amount of time it would not affect baby. I went only two weeks ago and everything was fine, i had my check up and a clean and was out of there within 10 mins max. it’s understandable worrying, ive been very irrational about somethings this pregnancy!😂 just try your best to not worry- and if you ever need to do exactly what you’ve done and post on here for reassurance xxxx
Thanks all, the appointment went well. The dentist made me feel at ease and I was only fully on my back for a couple of minutes while he had a quick check 😊
I have had a check up and a filling done in the last month and both times all went well. Dentist was lovely, knew I was pregnant, asked how I was and how far along etc. Try not to worry yourself, it will all go fine!! X