I’m thinking about doing this. I’ve have an August baby so he would be one of the youngest in his class if I don’t. My sister did this with my nephew after I believe 2nd grade and he really excelled once he was held back.
I think there’s also an age for them to start. Like birthday cut offs so I think that’s around 5 so you might have to wait a year
not sure where you live but when I was in NJ the cut off was October 1st (my daughter is 9/30 so she would’ve just made it) Now that I’m in NC the cut off is in August so she’ll have to wait another year since they start school a month sooner here, i’m so upset about it 😭 I say all that to say that it probably won’t be until her 5th bday that she starts
I’m waiting until my son is 5 (almost 6) to start kindergarten and I’m in CA. Boys mature later so I’m good with this!
We’re waiting for our son. He will turn 6 in October of his kindergarten year.
I’d say just wait, if it works better for your family it’s what is best